Provide a local/affordable opportunity to play lacrosse
Provide our athletes an opportunity to benefit from playing with and working with a diversity of players and coaches
Enhance the ability to field competitive teams and provide experienced coaches
Unify Deerfield/Highland Park and the surrounding towns so that affordable and positive opportunities for lacrosse families exist in our region
Teach the fundamentals that all lacrosse players should master regardless of playing level
Build relationships that extend personal networks outside of the game of lacrosse for players, coaches, and families
We Believe and Support
The Deerfield/Highland Park and surrounding communities deserve a highly organized, professional, and ethical based team and training option that complements and enhances the efforts of local schools and travel clubs
That structured preparation prior to tournament play is a priority as is designed and implemented by proven professionals in the field of lacrosse instruction and team coaching
That parents and players must receive realistic and honest appraisals of talent and unbiased guidance in regards to lacrosse development
That the value of a local program should place player development as a priority versus fielding large squads and a large number of teams
That club lacrosse is a tool for improving your playing level regardless of whether they plan to play High School/College lacrosse or not
That lacrosse is an invaluable networking tool for players that should benefit them longterm
Our Program Advantages
Highly experienced directors and coaches who represent all of Deerfield/Highland Park and the local communities
A vast network obtained through years of experience that allow DYLC coaches and directors to interact with every level and position within the lacrosse world
A concise plan of operation that allows players to pursue other opportunities outside of lacrosse
Managed by proven professionals who view lacrosse as an educational tool